It was Airwave who fired the starting shot for Bonzai’s now three-years-and-running ‘In The Mix – Progressive Sessions’ series back in the summer of 2015. Maintaining a clockwork-regular two-per-year release-tempo, it most recently dropped Gai Barone’s Feb-released ‘006’ edition. ‘ITM007’ – out this autumn, sees its mix-baton passed back into the hands of the Belgian. In the pursuit of conquering even ‘ITM 001’s dizzying heights, Laurent has gone the extra mile brilliantly networking 28 tracks into 150 mind-expanding minutes of progressive eminence.
Along its path you’ll make contact with freshly sourced studioware from Gai Barone, Jerome Isma-Ae & Alastor, John 00 Fleming, Eelke Kleijn, Oovation & Yoachim, The Stupid Experts, Stan Kolev and a progressively star-filled sky of others. It also includes material from Airwave’s own most recent release (the DJ Mag 8/10 scoring ‘Bliss EP’), as well as hot-from-the-studio production ‘Attraction’ and two purpose built intro pieces, which establish the feel for each of its discs.
With mixing skills almost otherworldly in their ability to blend without margin and a blackbelt understanding the composition of its assembled music, Laurent serves the album a cultured, layered and textually intense experience unlike any other.