JOOF Expands his label group with Mantra & Aura.

joof expansion - lead image

2016 kicks off with a massive change for JOOF Recordings with the new imprints Mantra, with its first release JOOF Vol.2 with a Psy-Trance imprint and Aura with more deeper stuff. This in turn will allow the JOOF Recordings lynchpin to concentrate wholly on out-and-out “high quality Trance music”.

Issuing the following message on his Facebook page, JOOF said: “The last few years have been exceptional for JOOF Recordings, as the label grows at a pace faster than we can keep up with. The amount of high quality music we’re discovering is becoming overwhelming, so much so that we were at full capacity with releases, in some cases having one every week. This is a position that I didn’t want to get myself in – we never treat the label like a factory, with a conveyer belt of releases. We take care with each and every one”.

Carrying on with “JOOF Recordings also reflects where I’m at musically and being a DJ that’s known to play extended sets, this takes me across many genres, so it makes complete sense to create sub-labels to focus on these specialist markets and create some continuity”.

JOOF Recordings will keep doing its thing, concentrating on high quality Trance music. All will be launched over the next few weeks as we go into 2016.

We’ll leave you with this minimix from JOOF Aura! Enjoy!

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